Beyond Jobs Program Interest Survey
Full Name
Phone Number
Thank you for your interest in Beyond Jobs! Please take a moment to answer these questions to help us understand your needs better. Consider the information you have been provided when making your decision about committing to our program.
How would you rate your day-to-day stability right now?
Very stable - I am in control of my situation and my needs are met.
Somewhat stable - I manage day-to-day, but I have occasional challenges.
Unstable - I regularly face challenges in meeting basic needs.
Very unstable - I am in immediate need of assistance for basic needs.
What is your current primary focus?
Finding a job quickly
Improving my skills and career opportunities
Accessing resources for my current situation (e.g. transportation, housing, etc.)
Not sure yet
What type of support are you most interested in?
Check all that apply.
Job search assistance
Resume building and interview preparation
Skill development and training
Access to resources (e.g. housing, transportation, etc.)
Please specify:
How much time are you able to commit each week to a program?
1-2 hours
3-5 hours
6+ hours
Not able to commit to regular hours right now.
Are you interested in participating in a structured program with classes and regular check-ins to support your career growth?
Yes, I am looking for a structured program.
No, I prefer to receive resources without regular commitments.
I would like more information first.
Do you feel ready to work with a coach or mentor to set and achieve your career goals?
Not sure yet
My path is:
Thank you for completing this survey! Based on your responses, we will be in touch to discuss the best way to support you.
Contact Information